Ceo and head instructor at Absolute Fitness.
Published by RallyUp Magazine
My name is Rob Brown, from Coatesville, Pennsylvania. I am a certified personal trainer with a degree in Health Science from Lincoln University, PA with certificates in Mental Health First Aid & Trauma and years of Case Management experience in Mental Health.
In 2014 I founded ABSoulute Fitness, a brand that combined my love for health and fitness, with my passion for community activism. I am committed to inspiring, motivating and empowering the community through faith, nutrition and fitness.
In 2017, I cofounded ABSoulute Life, where I fused Mental Health and Fitness bringing an
unmatched energy, experience, genuine and love for seeing people succeed that deliver results.
Bachelor's Degree in Health Science. Certified Trainer
Nearly a decade of experience in case management in Mental Health
Mental Health First Aid & Trauma by National Council of Behavioral Health
Tri-State First Aid/CPR/AED Certified
Suicide Prevention advocate and suicide attempt survivor.
The Phoenix: 2011
When people look at me ..they may see a person in good health, great family and
friends, always a smile for everyone who passed me with a desire to promote health
and fitness. Did I️ get that right? Well, here’s an example of, you never know what’s
behind a person’s smile…. I can tell you that 100% of what you SEE is superficial. What
you don’t SEE is a man who was very depressed and suicidal, yup, you read it right.
Depressed. Suicidal.
Being active in sports and going to the gym had always been the norm for me.
Until THAT day, that day in November, when that norm for me changed, it changed my
My father had taken his own life. In some ways, I️ felt he had taken mine too. I️ no
longer had the desire to do most of the things that I️ once found enjoyable. Words
could not express the pain and the void it left in my life. The smile that everyone knew
me to have was gone. The depression had won, I️ no longer wanted to hunt or fish and
lost all motivation to function. It messed me up beyond words…. I didn’t work for an
entire year!
My memory often brought me to late 2011, I recall saying “I can’t deal with this
life without my pop”. I figured I would drive to where my father killed himself and end it
all there with him. Why not right?… so I did. I took the drive there… I sat in the car for
about 45 mins and I just couldn’t do it … a part of me was still strong. It was like my dad
was saying to me, “Slick, you have Liyah and you got stuff to do with your life, take your
ass back home” after spending some time in the car dealing with my emotions, crying
and then crying some more. I did just that. Went back home.
I️ had to find a way to build on that strength that allowed me to walk away from
taking my life. So, to the gym I️ went and discovered a man who was strong enough,
strong enough to fight back and walk out of that dark place that once held my life
hostage. It was through my faith in God and my love for my own life that allowed me to
be ok with Dad being in a different place. THAT was the true strength.
I’ve never looked back on those dark moments, I️ hold memories only to
reflect on what could’ve been, where I️ am now, and my life has to offer through fitness
and Health. Where I️ once wanted to use my knowledge in Health to take my life, I️
now dedicate it to saving many…..
Fitness saved my life! My goal for starting ABSoulute Fitness is to help save
someone else’s life in ALL aspects of life, whether it be mentally or physically.
Anytime I asked my pop for anything he would say “Absolutely, son” so that’s the
story and name behind my brand “ABSoulute Fitness” It’s because of my father and
how he and fitness saved my life!
All that has happened has led me right here... right where I’m at! There isn’t
ANYTHING … I repeat ANYTHING that you cannot do! Whatever you are going through
use that to motivate you. Keep moving forward!! Everyone has a story. My pain, trials
and tribulations are not greater than yours. My story is no different, if I can do it, I’m
telling you – you can do it as well!
My name is Rob Brown, and I am a suicide attempt/depression survivor.
Learn more about Rob Brown @absoulute_fitness